Cool Linx !!!
HoMe PaGe


SuM 41's JoUrNaL


These are Sum fan sites
Hey Guys these are sum Fan sites that the kick ass fans of sum 41 like me have made ! hope you like them as much as i do ! these ppl have put alot into them ! enjoy !

Haha i love this pic. . .derycks so hot !

~*~ OtHeR CoOl SiTeS ~*~
Alli :o) This Is one of my friends sites and its super cool and you can see some really cool dolls she made and a couple that i made !!!

Sum 41 FaN SItEs AnD MoRe hey this is a kick ass fan site with tons of sweet pix !!!
Xtreme Sum 41 This Site is cool too !
Makes No Difference Okay they dont update this page anymore but its cool cause you can see when sum 41 is on tv and shit !

